2425 - Battle of the Books (3-6)

  2425 MB - Battle of the Books (3-6)
  12/3/2024 - 3/13/2025
  Tu, Th
  4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  Motsenbocker Campus:Library
  Barbara Eulenstein

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Battle of the Books: Grades 3-6
ATTENTION 3rd-6th graders! Do you LOVE to read? Wouldn't it be fun to compete against other schools in Parker by answering trivia questions about books you've read? Join our Battle of the Books and show your stuff!!! Practice starts in December when we will learn about our books, and practice battling against each other. In January we go to the Parker Public Library where we are matched up against other Parker schools. Sign up now to help your AA team win District Battles!