2425 LM - Summer Sports & Activity Camp (K-5)

  2025 LM - Summer Activity & Sports Camp (K-5)
  5/27/2025 - 5/30/2025
  Tu, We, Th, Fr
  9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  Lincoln Meadows Campus:Gym & Turf
  Sydney Tobler & Abigail Kenny

CLICK HERE to be added to the Waitlist


IMPORTANT - This camp is for any enrolled students, at any of our 3 campuses, for the upcoming school year in grades K-5. Your student must be 5 years old by the first meeting. 


Summer Sports & Activity Camp - Grades K-5

Join Mrs. Tobler and Coach Kenny during the first week of summer break for a FUN activity and Sports camp! Students will play team games and team sports while engaging in physical activities. Students will build character, work on teamwork, and improve their athletic skills.