2425 - Rebel Choir (K-4)

  2425 LM - Rebel Choir (K-4) Session 1
  9/10/2024 - 12/9/2024
  4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  Lincoln Meadows Campus:library
  Megan McLarnon

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Please make Note: In addition to our weekly meetings, we will have 2 Saturday rehearsals (dates and times TBD) and an end of session concert tentatively scheduled for Dec. 9th. 


Rebel Choir - Grades K-4

This is a fun and exciting way to dip your toes into being a great vocal performer! Rebel choir is a fantastic way to learn more about how to read music, how to sing properly, and most importantly have a blast and make new friends!