1819 CP -Co-ed VolleyballSkills&Scrimmaging Camp Part 2

  1819 CP - Co-edVolleyballSkills&ScrimmagingPart 2
  6/3/2019 - 6/7/2019
  Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr
  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  Castle Pines Campus:Gym
  Sarah Lang

Registration is now closed

Event Actions

GRADES Incoming 5th through outgoing 8th

Only children who are BOTH enrolled American Academy K-8 students in 2019-2020 AND at least 5 years old by June 1, 2019, may participate in American Academy 2019 summer camps.

Relatives and friends of American Academy students who are not also American Academy students do not qualify to attend.

Children on the American Academy waitlist who are not enrolled by June 1, 2019, do not qualify to attend.

We are sorry that we cannot accept your registration.

This session will piggyback off of session 1, where students develop volleying, setting, serving and hitting. This camp will focus more on court placement, successful volleying, and scrimmaging. Students should be ready to work hard and have fun!

REFUNDS: Because American Academy teachers run our extracurricular activities based on the number of sign-ups prior to the activity, all activity fees are non-refundable unless the teacher needs to cancel the activity due to low enrollment.

LATE ENROLLMENT OR MISSED ATTENDANCE: Timely enrollment and regular attendance for each activity is the responsibility of the parent and the student. The activity fee does not reflect the number of days your student attends the activity; rather, the activity fee is a flat fee budgeted to cover the costs to the school and the teacher for each activity that runs, and is the same for each student enrolled in that activity, regardless of the number of days the student attends. For this reason, American Academy does not prorate activity fees for late enrollments or give refunds to students not in attendance each day of the activity.

For questions, contact Ms. Lang.