2021 - Thespians (6-8)

  2021 LM - Thespians
  8/17/2020 - 5/20/2021
  Lincoln Meadows Campus:Virtual Online Class
  AAPA Staff

Registration is now closed

Event Actions

Please note - This club will meet year long, but will begin the year with virtual meetings outside of the regular school day. The schedule will be arranged after registration to accommodate student schedules as best we can. There is no charge to join this club and all middle school students are welcome. Meetings consist of festival preparation, theatre games, field trips, and troupe business.
*IMPORTANT - AAPA Theatre, Theatre Tech, and Triple Threat students are required to join and attend regularly.
There is no charge to join this club. However, you must complete the registration and checkout out as if you were paying a fee. If you don't receive an email confirmation of the registration, you're student is not registered.


Thespians (6-8)

American Academy Junior Thespian Troupe #88842 is a distinguished club offered to all students in grades 6-8. The troupe's mission is to work to improve camaraderie and the culture of the school through volunteerism, mentorship, and promotion of the performing arts. This club will meet year long, but will begin the year with virtual meetings outside of the regular school day. The schedule will be arranged after registration to accommodate student schedules as best we can. There is no charge to join this club and all middle school students are welcome. Meetings consist of festival preparation, theatre games, field trips, and troupe business.

**Students are encouraged to attend the National Junior Thespian Conference (Virtual conference in 2020). Registration for this event is a separate field trip.

For questions please contact Mr. Middlebrooks