2024 - Summer Summer P.E. & Sports Camp (1-5)

  2024 - Summer Activity & Sports Camp
  5/28/2024 - 5/31/2024
  Tu, We, Th, Fr
  9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  Lincoln Meadows Campus:Gym & Turf
  Sydney Tobler & Mandi Gappa

CLICK HERE to be added to the Waitlist


IMPORTANT - This summer camp is only accepting students who are currently in grades 1st-5th for the 2023-2024 school year. However, students in these specific grades from any of our campuses are welcome to join. This camp will only be held at the Lincoln Meadows campus. 


Summer Activity & Sports Camp (This camp is for students who are currently in 1st-5th grade for the 23/24 school year)

Join Ms. Tobler and Mrs. Gappa during the first week of summer break for a FUN activity and Sports camp!  Students will play team games, and team sports while engaging in physical activities.  Student will build character, work on teamwork, and increase their athletic skills.